Friday, May 26, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

It’s a good movie the actors and actresses did well. I give it a 7. But it’s just again another movie depicting the imperfection of the church. It is no big secret that the church especially the Roman Catholic is not perfect.

In history they have killed thousands of people. This includes women and children who were accused of being witches. It changes the lives and beliefs of people whether by hook or crook. They had conquered lands, riches and cultures. The church is truly a grand master for it shaped the course of our history. Before Pope John Paul II died he ask the Catholic Church for forgiveness. For all the things it has done to Humanity.

Most of the practices, beliefs and tradition of the Catholic Church was influenced by Emperor Constantine the Great. It was he and his mother who introduces the cross to Christianity. The arguments of most sects are that Constantine is not even a Christian. He was a pagan. He even prosecuted Christians at that time. He was only converted after he dreamed of the cross where Christ was crucified. "In Hoc Signo Vincos". "In This Sign Thou Shalt Conquer". After this miracle thousands of lives were again sacrificed for the benefit of their goal. The conversion of other religion to Christianity.

Leonardo da Vinci is no doubt a master. His intelligence is advance in his time. A study shows that a person who is genius in certain expertise will also exceed in other field of interest. If the painting masters like Da Vinci, Angelo and Botticelli were given a chance in Medicine, Business Management or Theology they will also succeed. It is called Multiple Intelligence. The antiquity of the documents as the source of information is another area to be considered. Informations that were passed in time are more venerable to errors and misinterpretations. These informations may be affected by the opinions of the people who are translating it. Since Leonardo has lived centuries before us he might have accessed some documents that are no longer existing or completely mistranslated in our time. With regards to his source of information and intelligence let us give him an epistemological privileged.

The Last Supper of Leonardo da Vinci has some interesting features. Why it is that the most important artifact is not present on the table. Is it because that the grail is not a cup but a womb of a woman. It is very interesting to note that from the time of Abraham to the time of Jesus there were no artifacts found. We could find mummies in golden coffins and drawings in caves made by prehistoric man but no Christian artifacts. Where are the tablets containing the commandments of God or the ark that King Solomon dances everytime they parade it. What about the ship where Noah put all the kinds of animals in the world for the survival of the species. In Christ’s time where is his true cross, or his cup if there is one. Are these artifacts really lost in time or just hidden because of their secrets that might scandal the great religions of the world. What powers would they bring if they were found. Does man ready for such powers.

Another feature of The Last Supper was the apostle sitting at the right of Jesus. Why is it that he is the only one wearing the same color of garments as Jesus. His sitting position in the painting is different from the other apostles in fact his and Jesus position will form a grail and if cut his head can exactly rest at the shoulder of Jesus. Is it because that it is not a he but a she. According to the movie it was Mary Magdalene, the possible apostle, wife and mother of the daughter of Jesus.

There are people who want this movie to be banned. According to them it is Anti- Christ and a direct attack to the Roman Catholic Church. Its real purpose is to destroy one’s Christian faith. But can this movie really affect one’s faith. If it can, then one might just loose that faith for it is worth nothing. I had seen man suffers. It is because of their sufferings that one looses its faith and not because of a movie. A person’s faith to Christ is not based upon facts and theories. It is more out of love. If our faith is all about information gathering then it is like a paper boat in a sea of fire. It will not last to the whipped of time.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

For Art's Sake

The freedom of expression has always reached the boundaries of morality. In visual arts it is categorized as pornography by the moralist and subversive by the authoritarian. But how can we distinguish a real art from a crap. Is there such thing as a masterpiece or it just happened that a group of individuals has the same taste. A masterpiece to few and ridicule to some.

Since the beginning, man expresses and recorded his ideas in the form of visual. In a later era we could see in Rome the grandeur of the masters. It is breathtaking. In Vatican we could marvel at the painting of Michael Angelo's Creation. It is nude, but is there someone who would say that it must be removed because it is pornography. Then what is the basis for a nude art to be a masterpiece or pornography. Is it the medium. If there was a camera in the time of Boticelli then he might used photography in his masterpiece The Birth of Venus. Most censorship uses the genitals of the human body as the limitation for art and a basis for pornography. Should this be the real filter for pornography. We must also remember that custom, tradition and morality change in time. It is unpleasant in history that we banned a particular nude art that in the future it will be hailed.

Art is the freedom of expression. It is every human's right. To judge the art of others is as vital as judging his race, origin and religion.

So what it is that makes a nude art a masterpiece or pornography, frankly, I am not sure but I have a few basis of my own. I ask myself how honest is the artist. What is his real motive in creating the art. Is it Humanities or just money. How much effort he put unto it. Does it require extensive studies or planning to create such an art. Can you still consider a man who pissed on the wall and says it's art.

Pornography and morality is pushing its boundaries for centuries. As artists we are responsible for our creations. Let's make masterpieces for the glory of mankind and not to his downfall.

A Patient Life

One of the things I am proud about Filipinos are their cheerful attitude. In fact Bacolod City, one of the cities in the Philippines has a caption "The Smile City". They're just happy people, considering the fact that the Philippines is having an economic and political turmoil. Are they just being patient, optimistic or joyful?

My experiences are those people who are patience are happy people. Not just only being happy but being happy because of their contentment in life. Who are those people who are always angry at so many things. They are always not contented with their income, family or their lover. They always complaint about the traffic, the whether, and the news. They are so angry with their boss, their government and their life. These people are the miserables.

There are little irritating things in life, which if combined in a day will make a person explode. How many can still stay cool if been cut in trawitnessed drivers whom when cut chases the culprit and cut him also as revenge. Will you still chase a Beetle who cut you if you are driving a Rolls Royce? Exaggerated, but the fact is those who have much tend to be more forgiving than those who have less in life. Plus being patient will save you from all the trouble.

The contentment is not only for material or financial. It can also be about love, spiritual or emotional. I believe that the true joys in life are free.

So everytime you're loosing your temper remember the sweet things in your life. Here are some examples: Your daughter's smile everytime you look at her; Your son's belief in you for all the stories you've told him; Your wife's compassion for all the things you've done; A neighbor's hello; A pet dog wagging his tail everytime you arrive; The sweetest cookie baked by your mother; Laughter of your friends; The trust of your father; The sunshine on your face; the cool breeze; There are millions.

Binuangan Artists

I really love art ever since I was a child. But for the reason of monetary I graduated college with an accountancy degree. Now in the field of business it supports me, my family and my art enthusiasm. I still continue to do art because I believe it is my calling but I cannot leave my day job for it supports me well financially.

There is nothing extra ordinary about my situation. This is not about my story. I just want to share the lives of the artists who live in Binuangan, a small fishery community in the Philippines. Not all the folks there are fishermen. There are those who earn a living being an artist. Even thou being a professional artist gave them minimal financial support they continued what they believe- Their art.

Most of them cannot afford a decent home for them and their family. There are times they have to loan just to buy food for the day. And yet they still hold to their art and not venture to other work. One artist told me his hands were designed by God to hold brush and not nets.

I salute you my fellow artists in Binuangan.

Artist's Philosophy

Of all the gifts God gave to man the finest is his free will. Second to life itself. It is the essence of man. It is what separates man from all the other creatures of God. By ones choice or action he is judged if he is worthy to be called the man created by God.

The child of free will is art. It is man's self-expression. It is synonymous to freedom of expression. Every art is unique since every man is unique. How man perceives art is also unique as how man perceives beauty. As how man perceive life.

Art is like life. It all depends to the person's perception. Truly beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. The gauge of how beautiful life is, depends uniquely to every man.

A professor of mine once walked in the streets of Manila during summer. It is very hot, humid and dusty. He noticed a very old beggar asking for coins to the passers while bathing to the heat of the sun all day. Beside the beggar was a newspaper stand. One tabloid headline reads 'Young Matinee Idol Commits Suicide." My professor stops for awhile and asks himself how could this young man kill himself when he has everything. Money, women, good looks, popularity, youthfulness, what more could he ask for. While this old beggar is still striving for a few coins. Why not just threw himself to the vehicles speeding in front of him. Like my professor, my conclusion too is that it's all a matter of perception.

Like life the beauty of art depends solely to the individual. It is how man perceives art that makes it beautiful.

Those who believe that they found the beauty in life. Let as show that beauty to the world. Let as show our art.

Artist's Biography

Jose Mari Montesa or Jo Mari is a Visual Artist by talent. He has Masters Degree in Business Administration, Accountancy is his profession and currently working in a bank. But his heart really belongs to the Art world.

Since his boyhood he joined many art contests in different mediums. He has informal trainings in Painting, Technical Drawing and Photography. Also, a student and a believer of Humanities.

Jo Mari is also into Photography. He joined competitions both local and international. Some of his Photographic works are now in the hands of private collectors.

Right now the artist is concentrated in painting. Specifically Oil painting on canvas. He hopes that he will be known for this medium.

Most of his paintings are influenced by the rich culture and tradition in the Philippines. For example his series of Immaculate Concepcion oil paintings are inspired by the dark wood used in the icons of the Virgin Mary centuries ago when Spain brought Christianity to the Philippines. This type of wood are used to make the skin complexion of the Virgin similar to Asian or a Filipina.

Jo Mari have also done Landscapes, Still Life and Abstract paintings.