“Oh God, why do I always have a problem?” I am also one of those guys who often ask God of his frustrations in life. From the moment my clock alarms I have to wake- up to work even if I did not have a good sleep because of the same work. I have to work to earn money for me and my family. On my way to office I have to tackle the traffic. And it is not just an ordinary traffic here in this country. You have to defend your car and your life from hostile bus drivers. At the office I also have rude bosses and co- employees. I have to finish deadlines and work the whole day that sometimes from seven in the morning to eight in the evening I had only a fifteen minute break. And during my whole day working I also have to think of my family like our unpaid bills, when will be our next grocery or the scheduled check- up and vaccinations of my children, plus how to extend my current money for the next pay day. After office I again have to face the traffic on my way home. And I must and doing it everyday. So what’s the catch? Why am I doing all of these? It is because when I arrived home and parked my car in my garage there is a little girl looking through the window and waiting for me. She is Jamjam, my daughter.
With all of my problems and frustrations in life I always thank God for giving me my children. I am willing to face all the pains and hardship of life just to be with my children. Not a single moment I think of material things in exchange for the life I have now with my children. I believe that I am not the only one who thinks this way. There are people who are richer or poorer than me who love their children and thinks like me. But there are those who will pre- judge the life they will going to have with a child. There are those who will do anything to stop the birth of their own child.
Poverty is always associated with children. There are statistics that concludes that it is better not to let a child be born that be born and live in hunger and poverty, that the country’s population is always hindrance to its growth. It is like its own citizens are the waste that must be disposed.
Man is created from the image of God. They are the highest form of living things. Human beings are the greatest natural resource. From the moment a child is born it is natural that he gives immeasurable happiness to an aching mother after the delivery. As he grew old he learns new things and could adopt in any situation easily. Man is the most adoptable living organism on the face of the planet. He could swim in the saltiest sea or climb the highest mountain. He can live in the hottest desert or in the coldest and remotest part of the world. With his remarkable ingenuity he became the master of this planet. Truly Humans are a remarkable piece of work from God. Almost a perfection, second to God Himself.
What a pity to realize that this same human beings created by God became the problem of a country that its only solution is to extinguish its population. Like all other natural resources a country must utilize it properly. I never believe that the solution to poverty is to stop the birth of children. If this will be the case, the population is not the problem but the government itself. Whether it is run by incompetent or corrupt officials or the system of government must be looked upon. I believe that children are born as a sign that even man continues to sin God still believes in us.